Our approach to business plans is to help business owners create 12 month goals for their business and importantly an Action Plan listing the actions that you have decided to implement in the next 12 months including timing thereof.
The Action Plan contains specific actions that are to be done in order to achieve the 12 month business goals.
Benefits of having a business plan include:
- Being confident & excited about the future of your business
- Having a clear sense of direction
- Reducing procrastination
- Identifying & prioritising your 12 month goals
- Setting timeframes for achieving your goals
- Having a reference point to keep referring to for guidance & direction
Our process in assisting you develop one:
- We provide you with pre-work in order to get maximum benefit
- The pre-work is reviewed prior to your session
- The session is run over a half day or full day, depending on your requirements
- The session is preferably run in our boardroom so that you have an environmment free from your day to day operational distractions
- The session can also be run at a venue of your choice
- The outcome of the session is to produce your 12 month goals & your 12 month Action Plan.
The journey once you have a business plan:
- Refer to it often and not put it in your desk drawer
- The key is to follow through & implement your plan
- We can help support you in monthly or at least quarterly accountability/advisory meetings
- Ideally the business planning session is held again in 12 months time where it is reviewed and reset.
Please feel free to contact our office if you have any further questions about our Business Planning services.